Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Ores of metals such as copper and natural Krizokola and Kalkuperet

Kalkuperet  Chemical composition: iron and copper sulfide. Gelling system: quad.
Exterior: compact, or in the form of yellow in color Light coherent microscopic granules and
some with bronze color Mtefye sparkle.
Natural properties: the average hardness (5.3-4), heavy weight, which eliminates Altvlq, easy fracture, with a metallic luster Mtefye, raw Mkhaddh blackish green, called the false gold.
Environment: Ideal for high thermal sediments (sons unclear gelling solid or veins Ahramaia). Online with some sulphides (pyrite, Galena, Beroti, Svalarat), in volcanic rocks Amonysiomah iron impurities in the mass exchange in contact rocks.
Uses: Contains 35% of copper, it is of the most important sources of copper ore. About 80% of world copper found Kkham Klkuperet. Copper is used extensively as wires, electric (which is a good conductor of electricity) and in brass, bronze industry.
His presence: existed many surface oxidized ores of metal-bearing copper Kabritid- Sultanate. Valhfr in some Algosanat proved the existence of Alklkuperet have been drilled three copper mines sediment (white, lame, Afternoon). The largest amount of sediment in the volcanic rocks of the ophiolite has got, and in the sub-gabbro Kaarouk.


Chemical composition: copper silicate Almmahh.
Gelling system: monoclinic.
Exterior: earthy, cortices minutes to take shape, with green glossy bluish color, brown to black when it is in the case of non-pure.
Natural properties: crisp soft to medium hardness between (2-4) Light Alon, a half-transparent glass glitter or greasy, and it becomes a gelatinous texture Celikati when adding hydrochloric acid to it. Some species have Crushed clamshell.
Environment: there chrysocolla copper deposits in areas Oxygenated be accompanied by metals such as copper Okhryy Zurit, Mlakit Koprit and thus be an important evidence of the presence of copper mineralization subsurface.
Uses: it is a useful copper ores, although it is not of fundamental importance.
His presence: resides in the volcanic rock surface containing copper deposits and usually fills the veins and cracks.

Natural copper

Chemical composition: Copper

Gelling system: isometric

Exterior: We have the form of "irregular blocks, sheets, or the macho forms of wire mesh, coppery red color.
Natural properties: crisp and hardness ranging from (5.2-3) very Nthel. Retractable and roads, with a metallic luster, colorless schizophrenia, opaque color to Black.
Environment: consists catch in basaltic lava. It also consists in the oxidation zones of copper sulphide deposits. Rare in large quantities to exploitation.
Uses: copper sources in the case of its presence in large quantities.
His presence: in the Sultanate of Oman There Kabiei small amounts of copper in the oxidation zones of sulfide copper mineralization deposits. In the area of ​​basaltic lava and usually fills the gaps and veins.
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