Chemical composition: copper carbonate Almmah.
Gelling system: monoclinic.
Exterior: is often in the form of needle crystals and
sometimes fibrous or radioactive form pool. And usually it consists of a green layer on the rocks in gossan with copper sulphide mineralization.
Physical properties: the average hardness (5.3-4), heavy weight, unbreakable, good schizophrenia and has a silky luster. It also has a Mkhaddh green color turn black when heated.
Environment: There are mainly in the oxidation of sulfide deposits of copper areas as well as widespread in stone deposited by groundwater.
Uses: often used for decoration, and little of it there is Kkham copper, important for scientists and interested.
His presence: there are on the outer surface layer of the oxidized zones conjugated with metals usually copper in rock crevices and cracks.
Physical properties: the average hardness (5.3-4), heavy weight, unbreakable, good schizophrenia and has a silky luster. It also has a Mkhaddh green color turn black when heated.
Environment: There are mainly in the oxidation of sulfide deposits of copper areas as well as widespread in stone deposited by groundwater.
Uses: often used for decoration, and little of it there is Kkham copper, important for scientists and interested.
His presence: there are on the outer surface layer of the oxidized zones conjugated with metals usually copper in rock crevices and cracks.
Chemical composition: iron and chromium oxide.
Gelling system: isometric.
Exterior: black, it exists in the form of pressurized or nodal granular blocks.
Natural properties: a hardness (5.5) heavy weight, colorless schizophrenia but unbreakable, non-transparent with a metallic luster half, either Almkhaddh is dark brown as his recipe magnetic light.
Environment: resides in the rocks (peridotite) basal basal and benchtop formed in the early stages of crystallization in the form of layers or pores of the monolith which, metal outcroppings of common metal impurities associated Eromet.
Uses: the only raw metal chrome, contains 46% of chromium, is used in alloy steel industry, steel, chrome, sheets, dyes and in leather tanning.
His presence: peridotite discovered in Oman on the volumes of fabricated chromite deposits. Some of these sediments in the area and SMD Regmi a good qualities, and deposits Regmi been partially exploited since 1983.
Chemical composition: ferric oxide.
Gelling system: Mwinyi.
Exterior: a pressurized blocks, granular solid, Ahaaana be fragile earthen red color. This type is known as red ocher. It is sometimes ossified, as well as be Rsasia steel color, bloody red or bright red. There is also a metal on the lamellar body (iron oxide red Buraq).
Physical properties: hardness ranging between (5/5 to 5/6) with the exception of species dirt, very heavy, breakable colorless schizophrenia dark color and has a metallic luster, Mkhaddhh dark red or red brown, becomes magnetic in the case of slowly heated.
Environment: resides in the metamorphic rocks of low and medium-grade metamorphic and sediment chemical substitution, unless accompanied by limestone and Almajma to contain a small percentage of ferrous oxide such as granite and isocyanate (MIC). There is also in the form of deposits as a result of erosion Alatrit basal rocks or above the base.
Uses: the most important iron ore contains 70% of the metallic iron. Red ocher used in a powder for polishing dyes.
His presence: I have discovered a lot of deposits Alatrit in Amman but are not extracted on a large scale as in the discharge, and Nipa Fanja.