Chemical composition: iron oxides Almmah.
Gelling system: no crystalline clusters.
Exterior: consists of a
semi-metallic materials for iron oxides amorphous (gel), clay, oxides Amonez, may be at Awolt form, Fullone earthy or in the form of porous blocks, ranging in color from yellow to yellow brown when Vtata and when it is more adherent to be color Msauda.
Physical properties: Many diversity depending on its ingredients. Often the average hardness (5-5.5) If the rich Paljyothit, unbreakable glass to earthy, Mkhaddhh light brown and is used to distinguish it from the metal hematite. And if heated in the air it turns into hematite.
Environment: metal on the surface of the scope of secondary oxidation of iron sediments, as well as a metal backward after the melting of carbonate rocks and Sulaikatah and resides on the surface of the crust cracks in the lava oxidizing overlapping rocks.
Uses: is a metal railing secondary has a 48% -63% of the iron component. Yellow ocher used as a color in dyes.
His presence: We have near some of the veins in the volcanic igneous rocks, as well as iron Allatrit accompanist for hematite.
JocPhysical properties: Many diversity depending on its ingredients. Often the average hardness (5-5.5) If the rich Paljyothit, unbreakable glass to earthy, Mkhaddhh light brown and is used to distinguish it from the metal hematite. And if heated in the air it turns into hematite.
Environment: metal on the surface of the scope of secondary oxidation of iron sediments, as well as a metal backward after the melting of carbonate rocks and Sulaikatah and resides on the surface of the crust cracks in the lava oxidizing overlapping rocks.
Uses: is a metal railing secondary has a 48% -63% of the iron component. Yellow ocher used as a color in dyes.
His presence: We have near some of the veins in the volcanic igneous rocks, as well as iron Allatrit accompanist for hematite.
Chemical composition: iron oxide Almmah.
Gelling system: Mwinyi.
Exterior: Cefhah crystals, needle, granular, or brown acid form gathering, Albright also takes the form of (metal fabricator).
Physical properties: hardness ranging from (5-5.5) heavy weight, fully schizophrenia, texture and Mkhaddhh Yellow Brown, also becomes Mnatisa when heated for a long time.
Environment: From the main components of metal limonite. Rare as a metal secondary.
Uses: Khama is important to iron either some ocher (ferric oxide natural water) is used Kdhan.
His presence: Green Mountain resides in the form of pyrite crystals. It is hard to distinguish it from the metal Garnett Fanja also resides in the area.
Chemical composition: iron sulfide.
Gelling system: equal dimensions.
Exterior: complete crystallization usually on a cubic shape and the outline, solid, granular or in the form of stalactite and blocks fossilized. Always a dark yellow color, sometimes brown or yellowing of the diagonal light yellow. Markzi metal sulfides of iron pyrite generally similar to, but less solid than what Noam (5-6) and has a lighter color and both minerals (pyrite and Almarkzi) can their presence with coal.
Natural properties: hardness (6-6.5) with a heavy weight metallic luster, crisp little schizophrenic, scratching Green slant of blackness known gold deceptive and his ways when the hammer shows a flash spark.
Environment: We have almost all under conditions of high metal deposition degrees of Mamjma to sea surface temperature around zero Celsius, common in volcanic rock surface, benthic, sedimentary, metamorphic rocks and in the veins of sulphides. The origin of primary, secondary, and exist in sedimentary rocks nodal blocks and strips planned.
Uses: the task of metals raw economic terms, a major source of sulfur used in the sulfuric acid industry. And it can also be used Kkham limited quantities of iron, but it is considered to be of good quality. Some of pyrite containing gold.
He was: a common minerals in Oman, and there are a lot solid Kaarouk or Kaqrarh in volcanic rocks with sulfur and other minerals.