Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Pirollosit and Majnti and Svalrat

Majnti Chemical composition: iron oxide. Gelling system: isometric. Exterior: compact and in the form of bluish granular blocks iridescent color as

well as black Shiny.
Natural properties: Salbh ranging from (5/5 to 5/6), very heavy weight, colorless schizophrenia but
broken, Mtefye with a metallic luster, has a high magnetic.

Environment: common in many kinds of rocks which is uncommon in the basal rocks and above the basal and there are large blocks found in sedimentary rocks Alhtateh either in metamorphic environment Vetoagd touching the environment rocky transition area known sediments associated with the ore.
Uses: is the most important and highest source of iron ore, containing 72% iron and is used widely in the steel industry.
His presence: There Almajnti small quantities in Amman in volcanic rocks accompanied with sediment Alklkuperet as well as in iron Triet as in sediments Alhawwasnh.

Chemical composition: zinc sulfide.
Gelling system: isometric.
Exterior: granular blocks sizes fabricated. Sometimes it is a bar or belt hidden gelling and compact blocks with a white color in the case of a pure but popularized in yellow, brown, or black (black color refer to the presence of iron impurities).
Natural properties: the average hardness (3.5-4) heavy weight, unbreakable, with a fully transparent segmentation with diamond glitter or Colloidal, Mtefye with semi-metallic luster, a Mkhaddh light yellow or reddish.
Environment: simultaneously with other metal sulphides. And it resides in the veins and sediment Replacement of limestone rocks.
Uses: a major source of raw zinc metal, zinc is used for the work of brass and galvanized iron (zinc coating in Kabroliti) solution as well as zinc used to work sheets of zinc.
His presence: High amount of sync with sediment sulphides Solid volcanoes in the veins of limestone rocks.


Chemical composition: manganese dioxide.

Gelling system: quad.

Exterior: Levy, Off, rigid, or accumulated dirt blocks, rarely black presence in the crystalline state.
Physical properties: soft (1-2), heavy, weak schizophrenia, opaque, with a metallic luster, either the kind that have greasy greasy, black leaves traces on the fingers of the hand when rubbed out.
Environment: There is usually in sedimentary rocks Chrisobiat chemical environment, as well as results from other metals such as manganese turning Mangenat, Saleomlin or Rodocrosat, as there is in the form of nodules in the bottom of the sea. As the outer layers of the walls there are cracks in the form of forest.
Uses: the most important of the metal manganese ore containing 60% Manganese is used in the steel industry and the iron and manganese electric cells, batteries and sulfur.
His presence: I found many layers of manganese in reducing and Mount flesh head area in the south of APRA, overlapping with flint, and child in the rocks Alhawwasnh group.

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